American Councils for International Education: ACTR/ACCELS announces the 2011-12 FLEX Exchange Program for high school students. This is a US Government sponsored program which offers the opportunity to spend one academic year in the US studying in an American high school living with an American host family. Recipients of FLEX scholarships are selected by an independent panel of experienced educators in the United States of the basis of merit demonstrated in application materials.
The competition is open to all interested students who meet the following criteria:
Are 9-th, 10-th and 11-th* graders born between January 1, 1994 - July 15, 1996;
Are citizens of Moldova;
Have previously studied English.
* The Ministry of Education of Moldova requires that FLEX finalists returning home from the program year in the U.S. complete the 12th form in Moldova.
To participate in the first round of the competition all eligible candidates have to come to a test center with the following items:
Original birth certificate, international passport or national ID;
One 4x5 recent photograph;
A pencil or a pen.

Testing will take place in the following centers:
Stefan Voda
Wednesday, 15 September, 10:00 Lyceum „D. Cantemir", str. Stefan cel Mare 1
Anenii Noi
Thursday, 16 September, 10:00 Lyceum „Hyperion", piata 31 August 1989, 5
Saturday, 18 September, 8:30 **
Tuesday, 21 September, 10:00 Lyceum „M. Eminescu", str. Eminescu 48
Wednesday, 22 September, 10:00 Lyceum „G. Gaidarji", str. Lenin 198
Thursday, 23 September, 10:00 Lyceum „M. Guboglo", str. Sirtmacea 44
Friday, 24 September, 10:00 Lyceum „D. Cantemir", str. Caragiale 33
Monday, 27 September, 10:00 Lyceum „Stefan cel Mare", str. 27 August 50
Tuesday, 28 September, 10:00 Lyceum „A. Russo", str. V. Lupu 13
Wednesday, 29 September, 10:00 Lyceum „M. Sadoveanu", str. Stefan cel Mare 7
Thursday, 30 September, 10:00 Lyceum „V. Alecsandri", str. Nationala 13
Friday, 1 October, 10:00 Lyceum „M. Sadoveanu", str. Musatinilor 4
Monday, 4 October, 10:00 Lyceum „D. Cantemir", str. Independentei 77
Tuesday, 5 October, 10:00 Lyceum #3, str. 31 August 5A
Wednesday, 6 October, 10:00 Lyceum „G. Cosbuc", bld. Larisa 3
** Chisinau participants should pre-register on September 1-17, 2010 at http://americancouncils.md/flex_reg/.
Students with disabilities who are currently studying in the 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th or 12th grade and were born between 15 March 1993 and July 15 1996 are encouraged to participate in the competition.
This program offers an equal opportunity to all participants and does not discriminate on the basis of race, national or ethnic origin, gender, religion, or disability.
Contact information:
American Councils for International Education: ACTR-ACCELS
76 Kogalniceanu Str., Chisinau, Moldova MD2009
Phone: 225860, 270766, 234873;
a good opportunity of getting more maturily-wise!:)
for free? aparent doar
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