Sunday, May 3, 2009

A future successful person

Phoebe is a friend of mine. She studies at the same High School as me. I have chosen to ask her some questions and share her answers with you because you can learn many things from her. Even I did, and I am happy now that I know her.

- Dear Phoebe, I know you’re a senior this year and soon you will be graduating from high school. Tell me please, how were all these four years of high school for you?

PHOEBE: All high school was a stepping stone for me to further my education and learn how to adapt to different groups of people. I actually really enjoyed it. During my middle school years I had been told about the "evils" of high school, but when I got there, I realized that high school was what you made of it. Like Life. I also made a lot of friends and I really enjoyed the experience over all.

- What problems did you face with during the high school years?

PHOEBE: Most of my problems were on a social level. Mostly issues with my friends. There was this one friend... let's call him Leon, for his privacy. Well, Leon was a very dear and close friend of mine, he treated me fairly well and we told each other everything... or so I thought. He had hidden a mountain of secrets from me, which I didn't mind being kept in the dark because everyone has things they want to keep to themselves. Well, one day, he decided that I was no longer worth having as a friend. He began to convince me that I was a horrible person and our relationship, though not on a romantic level, became abusive. It was a year of my life I will never get back, but it made me that much stronger because I got through it and learned to appreciate me for me. It also inspired some of my best writing.

- What are the best achievements that you have?

PHOEBE: That is a tough question. How do you define "best"? Or even "achievements" for that matter? I did become a member of the National Honors Society (NHS) and I made honor roll all four years of high school... but I view those as events and no so much "achievements" since both of those were determined by others. I think that the things I am proud of will never be fully understood... at least why I think they are achievements. I have leaped over social barriers and made new bridges. I made friends with my enemies and helped my friends learn that kindness goes a lot further than they could know. A simple smile could be the difference of making someone happy and comfortable, or feeling alone and ignored.

- What will you miss the most from high school?

PHOEBE: I think I will mostly miss my friends and teachers. After four years, people tend to get attached and comfortable with one another. My friends really are another family to me. It might sound corny, but it's true. A lot of my friends view me as "the mother figure". I am constantly worrying and helping them whenever I can. Some friends I even ask if they did their homework and urge them to get it done. I think I will miss the environment and the people that filled it. Going somewhere where everyone knows your name and all your close friends are nearby... it's going to be hard to part with that.

- What plans do you have for your future?

PHOEBE: I intend to attend the University of Maine at Orono and major in English Literature and Education, with a minor in philosophy. I want to get my master's degree by the time I am 24-years-old so I can teach at a college level in Chicago. I also plan to be a writer during this time and I want to publish 30 books before I am 55. Also, after college, I want to join the Peace Cor. for two years, so I can teach children how to read and improve quality of life for them. Most of my free time will be dedicated to helping the less fortunate because I believe it is important to give everyone an opportunity to grow; Body, mind and soul.

- How important do you think is to study abroad while you are in a university?

PHOEBE: I think it would be a great experience. As stated earlier, I intend to spend two years of my life helping others learn to read. I originally wanted to go to Africa, but now I intend to go to Asia and then Africa. One year in each place. I think that studying in these countries, before I go there to teach, will be very important so I can learn cultures and stories to teach them.

- What steps will you follow in order to do well in university and in your future career?

PHOEBE: I will study very hard, like I have been my entire life and try my best to do everything I possibly can. The steps? I view life as a book, not yet finished and I intend to live my chapter as it comes. I don't want to plan HOW, but WHAT. I will do it the way I have been, through hard work and support of friends and family.

- Phoebe, thank you very much! I wish you all the best in your future.

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